Official Foreign Reserves

Data on Singapore's foreign currency assets.


Last Update: 7 October 2024, 5pm

End of Period


Drawing Rights 

in the IMF 

Gold & Foreign

Total Official
 Foreign Reserves
Changes in the Official Foreign Reserves (OFR) are influenced by the following factors:
(a) Foreign exchange intervention operations involving the purchase or sale of USD for the purpose of implementing the exchange rate policy;
(b) Transfer of assets that are in excess of what MAS deems necessary to maintain confidence in Singapore’s exchange rate-centred monetary policy to the Government for longer-term investment;
(c) Realised investment gains or losses on the OFR;
(d) Currency translation effects;
(e) Changes in the stock of FX swaps, as part of MAS’ money market operations to manage liquidity in the banking system; and
(f) Foreign exchange transactions with the Government as part of MAS’ function as a banker to the Government. The increase in the OFR arising from the foreign exchange transaction is matched by a corresponding increase in the Government Deposits with MAS. The Government’s direct exchange of its foreign currency holdings for S$ is for cash flow management purposes such as fiscal expenditures, debt obligations, and capital allocation.

 1=2+3+4  2  3  4  5
 S$ Million   US$ Million


 375,782.5  1,426.1  1,632.4  372,724.0  279,450.2


 478,840.1  1,466.7  2,168.5  475,204.9  362,304.8


 563,338.8  8,503.6  2,074.6  552,760.6  417,904.4


 388,256.1  8,501.2  2,079.3  377,675.6  289,484.1
 2023  463,044.3  8,332.6  1,948.3  452,763.4  351,030.5
2023 Jan  383,409.9 8,422.0 2,033.5 372,954.4 291,699.1
Feb  395,889.1 8,513.4 2,052.2  385,323.5 294,085.1
Mar  416,014.7  8,331.4 2,047.2  405,636.1  312,897.0
Apr  416,302.2 8,358.0 2,061.3 405,882.9  312,010.0
May 441,334.2 8,492.6 2,060.5 430,781.1 325,744.5
Jun 448,246.4 8,518.2 2,129.8 437,598.4 331,188.2
Jul 452,504.8 8,340.0 2,043.0 442,121.8 340,793.3
Aug 455,455.5 8,419.2 2,057.5 444,978.8 337,251.5
Sep 460,497.8 8,406.1 2,006.4 450,085.3 337,397.3
Oct 463,358.8 8,413.5 1,961.6 452,983.7 338,242.3
Nov 461,056.7 8,367.0 1,940.9 450,748.8 345,464.4
Dec 463,044.3 8,332.6 1,948.3 452,763.4 351,030.5
2024 Jan 478,163.9 8,256.3 1,956.4 467,951.2 357,792.7
Feb 480,484.9 8,300.7 1,961.4 470,222.8 357,345.5
 Mar 497,575.7 8,467.2 1,961.6 487,146.9 368,682.0
 Apr 500,307.2 8,481.7 1,849.4 489,976.1 366,877.2
May 500,863.6 8,430.7 1,843.7 490,589.2 370,541.8
Jun 503,710.6 8,424.8 1,940.6 493,345.2 371,675.3
Jul 506,433.8 8,469.6 1,833.5 496,130.7 378,619.0
Aug 501,279.3 8,349.6 1,726.6 491,203.1 384,587.4
Sep (p) 499,723.7 8,268.9 1,709.9 489,744.9 389,812.2

p: Preliminary


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