Making Payments to MAS

You may make payments to MAS through SGQR, PayNow, electronic fund transfer or GIRO. For your convenience, do consider setting up a GIRO arrangement to facilitate payments that are recurring in nature. 

How to Pay

  1. Launch your preferred PayNow supporting apps
  2. Indicate ‘T08GB0031LAC2’ in the UEN field
  3. Enter your (a) Invoice number if an invoice was issued to you (e.g. IN-XXXXXX-XXXXXX) or (b) Reference code and UEN/Request date in the Reference Field to avoid delay in processing of the payment. Please refer to the section on What to Indicate in the Reference Field below. 
  4. Enter the amount to pay
  5. Submit the payment

Note: All bank and transactional charges are borne by the payer.

Electronic Fund Transfer

  1. Indicate the (a) Invoice number if an invoice was issued to you (e.g. IN- XXXXXX-XXXXXX) or (b) Reference code and UEN/Request date in the Reference Field to avoid delay in processing of the payment. Please refer to the section on What to Indicate in the Reference Field below.
  2. Enter MAS’ bank account details are as follows:
       For amounts in Singapore Dollar (SGD) For amounts in US Dollar (USD) 
     Account Name   Monetary Authority of Singapore Account 2   Monetary Authority of Singapore USD A/C 1
     Bank Name  DBS Bank Ltd  DBS Bank Ltd
     Bank Address  12 Marina Boulevard,
     Level 3 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3
     Singapore 018982
     12 Marina Boulevard,
     Level 3 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3
     Singapore 018982
     Branch  MBFC Branch  MBFC Branch
     Branch Code  001  001
     Account No.  001-027239-0  0003-018179-01-9
  3. Enter the amount to pay
  4. Submit the payment

Note: All bank and transactional charges are borne by the payer.


  1. Launch your preferred payment app
  2. Scan the QR code in your invoice
  3. Check that you are paying to ‘MONETARY AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE A/C 2
  4. Check that UEN shown is ‘T08GB0031LAC2
  5. Check that your invoice no. and payment amount on the screen is correct
  6. Submit the payment in your payment app
GIRO (preferred payment method for recurring payments)

  1. Complete the GIRO application form (53.4 KB)
  2. Mail to:
    Cheque & GIRO
    Giro Application (DDA Maintenance)  
    DBS Bank
    2 Changi Business Park Crescent 
    #07-05 DBS Asia Hub
    Singapore 486029

Note: GIRO processing takes 4 to 6 weeks. Upon approval of your GIRO application, you will be notified via email. If your GIRO arrangement has not been approved yet, please pay using other methods (listed above) to avoid late payment.

If you wish to make changes to your GIRO arrangement, please submit a new GIRO application form (53.4 KB). The new application will supersede the current GIRO arrangement and there is no need to terminate the existing GIRO arrangement.

What to Indicate in the Reference Field

Indicate your (a) Invoice Number if an invoice was issued to you or (b) Reference Code and UEN/Request date (see examples below) in the Reference Field when making payment through PayNow or Electronic Fund Transfer. This will allow us to identify the payer and process your payment.

 Types of Fund Transfer   Reference Code Format   Sample Information   What to input in Reference Field
 Application/Lodgement Fees


 Fines, Penalties and Late
 Payment Fees 

 Reference Code for type of transaction 
 + UEN of the applicant

 Reference Code: CA-BAW 

 UEN: T09LL0001B
 Other Fees  Reference Code for type of transaction
 + Request Date in DDMMYYYY 
 Reference Code: IF-POS

 Request Date: 01092021






Application/ Lodgement fees

 Corporate Application Reference Code   Amount 
 - Banking Act – Wholesale bank  CA-BAW  $20,000
 - Banking Act – Merchant bank   CA-BAM   $20,000
 - Banking Act – Representative Office   CA-BAR   $5,000
 - Payment Service Act – Money Changer   CA-PMC   As instructed
 - Payment Service Act - Standard Payment Institution  CA-PSP  As instructed
 - Payment Service Act – Major Payment Institution  CA-PMP  As instructed
 - Securities and Futures Act – Approved Exchange  CA-SAE   $4,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Recognised Market Operator  CA-SRMO   $4,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Trade Repository  CA-STR   $4,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Approved Clearing House  CA-SACH   $4,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Recognised Clearing House  CA-SRCH  $4,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Approved Holding Companies  CA-SAHC   $4,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Authorised Benchmark Administrator    CA-SABA   $4,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Authorised Benchmark Submitter  CA-SABS   $1,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Capital Market Services  CA-SFA  $1,000
 - Financial Advisers Act – Financial Advisers  CA-FA   $500
 - Trust Companies Act – Trust Company  CA-TC   $1,000
 - Securities and Futures Act – Approved Trustee  CA-AT   $500
 Representative Lodgement  Reference Code  Amount 
 - Securities and Futures Act  RL-SF   $200 per representative 
 - Financial Advisers Act   RL-FA   $200* per representative 

*Fee is waived if the corporate applicant appoints a representative under both SFA and FAA at the same time.

In the Reference Field, indicate Reference Code + Corporate Applicant’s UEN. For example, for Corporate Application under Banking Act – Wholesale bank, please indicate “CA-BAWT09LL0001B”. 

If you do not have a UEN yet, indicate the Reference Code + request date in DDMMYYYY. For example, for Corporate Application under Banking Act – Wholesale bank, please indicate “CA-BAW01092021”.

 Security/Tenancy Deposit Reference Code  Amount 
 - Insurance Act (Authorised Reinsurer)    SD-IA  As instructed
 - Payment Service Act (Major Payment Institution)  SD-PS  As instructed
 - Securities and Futures Act (Dealing in Securities)   SD-SFA  As instructed
 - Renovation deposit  RD  As instructed
 - Tenancy deposit  TD  As instructed

In the Reference Field, indicate Reference Code + Corporate Applicant’s UEN. For example, for Security Deposit under Payment Service Act (Major Payment Institution) , please indicate “SD-PST09LL0001B”.

Fines, Penalties and Late Payment Fees
 Fines/Penalties Reference Code  Amount 
 - MAS Act  FF-MA   As instructed
 - Banking Act  FF-BA   As instructed
 - Insurance Act  FF-IA   As instructed
 - Payment Services Act  FF-PSA   As instructed
 - Securities and Futures Act  FF-SFA   As instructed
 - Financial Advisers Act  FF-FFA   As instructed
 - Trust Companies Act  FF-TCA   As instructed
 - Business Trust Act  FF-BTA   As instructed
 Late Payment Fee Reference Code Amount 
 - Late Payment Fee  LPF  As instructed

In the Reference Field, indicate Reference Code + Institution’s UEN. For example, for Fines/Penalties under MAS Act, please indicate “FF-MAT09LL0001B”.

Other Fees
 Prohibition Order Screening Fees Reference Code  Fee 
 - Securities and Futures Act IF-POS $20 per name
 - Financial Adviser Act IF-POF $20 per name
 - Insurance Act IF-POI $20 per name

In the Reference Field, indicate Reference Code + request date in DDMMYYYY. For example, for PO Screening Fees under Securities and Futures Act with request date on 1 September 2021, please indicate “IF-POS01092021”.