MAS SGD Facility for ESG Loans

The MAS SGD Facility for ESG Loans (“Facility”) provides low-cost funding for banks and finance companies to grant loans under Enterprise Singapore’s Temporary Bridging Loan Programme ("TBLP") and Enterprise Financing Scheme – SME Working Capital Loan (“EFS-WCL”). The TBLP provides additional cash flow support for Singapore-based companies in all sectors to meet their working capital needs, while the EFS-WCL helps Singapore-based small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”) access financing for their operational cash flow needs. Banks and finance companies participating in the TBLP and EFS-WCL can apply for funds at the Facility to support loans made under the TBLP and EFS-WCL until 30 September 2022. The reduction in funding cost will help to lower the interest rates charged to eligible corporate borrowers.

Key Details

Eligible Counterparties  Participating banks and finance companies in the TBLP and  EFS-WCL   administered by Enterprise Singapore (“ESG Loan Schemes”) 
Transaction Type
Collateralised borrowing or Repurchase transaction
Tenor  2-years 

Fixed rate of 0.1% p.a (up to April 2022 application window)
Fixed rate of 0.5% p.a (from May 2022 application window)

Amount  Drawdown allowance for each Eligible Counterparty will be based on the total amount disbursed to local enterprises for loans under the ESG Loan Schemes received by 30 September 2022, which are not using ESG funds.
Eligible Collateral 
  • Category A1: Singapore Government Securities (“SGS”) Bonds
  • Category A2: Other S$ debt securities issued by any Singapore statutory board and AAA-rated or AA-rated public sector entity, supranational, sovereign, sovereign-guaranteed company or non-financial company
  • Category C: Loans to local enterprises under the ESG Loan Schemes received by 30 September 2022, which are not using ESG funds
Initial Haircuts  Collateral haircuts will be sent to Eligible Counterparties upon request. 
Application and Settlement Window  Monthly, from April 2020 till October 2022, and two additional windows in January 2023 and April 2023. 
Application Schedule (121.1 KB) (updated as at 28 December 2023)  
Terms and Conditions  Available to Eligible Counterparties upon request.