Media Releases
Published Date: 08 October 2003

MAS International Advisory Panel Meeting on 13 Oct


Singapore, 8 Oct 2003 - The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) today announced that members of its International Advisory Panel (IAP), which include global business and financial leaders, will be having their fourth meeting in Singapore on 13 October 2003. The IAP was set up in November 1998 to advise the MAS on market developments in international financial centres and trends in the global financial industry. 

The IAP members attending this year's meeting are:

Mr Lim Hng Kiang, Chairman of the IAP, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Second Minister for Finance;   
Mr Claude B颩ar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the AXA Group;
Sir Andrew Crockett, Former General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements;
Mr Tom Glocer, Chief Executive Officer of Reuters Group Plc;
Mr Rijkman Groenink, Chairman of ABN Amro Bank;
Mr John Mack, Chief Executive Officer of Credit Suisse First Boston;
Sir Peter Middleton, Chairman of Barclays Bank Plc;
Dr Werner G. Seifert, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Borse AG;
Mr Tasuku Takagaki, Senior Advisor of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd; and
Dr Junichi Ujiie, Chairman of Nomura Holdings, Inc.

The IAP is expected to consider the impact of global trends such as financial dis-intermediation, outsourcing by financial institutions and the increasing popularity of alternative investments, as well as regional developments, such as the emergence of China and India.  The IAP will also discuss the challenges and opportunities for Singapore in the new financial landscape.

Panel members will call on Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew.
