Singapore's Robust Financial System Gets Strong Endorsement from IMF
Singapore's Robust Financial System Gets Strong Endorsement from IMF
Singapore, 27 April 2004...The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has affirmed the robustness of Singapore's financial system and the soundness of Singapore's legal, supervisory and institutional framework. The Financial System Stability Assessment (FSSA1 ) report published today highlights that Singapore's financial sector is resilient and robust and commends Singapore's high degree of observance of international standards and codes.
The IMF, in its assessment, notes that:
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) welcomes the positive assessment of the Singapore financial system. Managing Director of MAS, Mr Koh Yong Guan, said: "The strong endorsement by the IMF affirms Singapore's standing as an international financial centre. It is also testament to MAS' long tradition of sound and prudent regulation and supervision. The FSAP process was intensive and exhaustive. We have found it very useful and constructive. We are reviewing the FSAP recommendations in areas that could be further strengthened and will take steps to follow-up on those areas where appropriate."
1. The Financial Sector Assessment Programme (FSAP) is a joint initiative by the IMF and World Bank. It was introduced in May 1999 and aims to strengthen the monitoring of financial systems around the world. The review consists of three parts : (1) identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of a country's financial system; (2) assess a country's regulatory and supervisory practices and legal framework against international standards; (3) ascertain the country's developmental and technical assistance needs and help to prioritise policy responses.
2. The FSAP mission visited Singapore three times in November 2002, July-August 2003, and September 2003. After the completion of the FSAP assessment, the FSAP team compiled the Financial System Stability Assessment (FSSA). The FSSA includes both a report by IMF staff on the stability of the financial system and summary assessments of our observance of Financial Sector Standards and Codes.
3. The Executive Board of the IMF has endorsed the FSSA and it is published today by the IMF. A copy of Singapore's FSSA can be obtained from the IMF website at
1 The FSSA is based on a comprehensive review of Singapore's financial system carried out under the Financial Sector Assessment Programme in 2003. It is issued in conjunction with the Article IV Staff Report which contains the IMF's views on the macro-economy. The Article IV consultation is conducted every year but the FSAP is conducted once every seven to 10 years.