Media Releases
Published Date: 01 August 2013

National Financial Literacy Survey


Singapore, 1 August 2013...The Financial Education Steering Committee (FESC), which oversees MoneySENSE, the national financial education programme, will conduct a nation-wide financial literacy survey from 1 August to 26 September 2013. 

2   The survey seeks to assess the current levels of financial literacy and financial well-being among Singapore residents across different age groups. The survey will involve face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of 2,000 individuals. It will include questions on spending patterns, savings habits, investments, and retirement planning.  The results of the survey will help the FESC understand the financial education needs of different segments of the population and respond with relevant programmes that will be developed under the MoneySense brand. The last time a similar survey was conducted was in 2005.
3   To achieve this goal, the FESC requests all selected survey participants to take the time to answer the survey questions as accurately as possible. Interviewers will carry identification badges and letters of authorisation from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).  The information collected from the survey will be compiled and published as aggregated statistical information to ensure anonymity. No individual data will be released.

4   Selected survey participants may verify the identity of an interviewer for the National Financial Literacy Survey by contacting MAS at 6229-8858/6229-8931 or .


Note to Editor:

The Financial Education Steering Committee (FESC) spearheads MoneySENSE, Singapore’s national financial education programme. The Committee comprises representatives from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Social and Family Development, Central Provident Fund Board, Monetary Authority of Singapore, National Library Board and People's Association. For more information on FESC and MoneySense, please visit )