In 2020, Singapore conducted a Terrorism Financing (TF) National Risk Assessment (NRA). The TF NRA was the culmination of experience and
observations from all relevant competent authorities over the past few years,
and included inputs from the private sector and academia. It sought to deepen the understanding by law enforcement agencies, supervisors/regulators and the private sector of Singapore's key TF threats and vulnerabilities, so that appropriate prevention and mitigation measures may be taken.
The TF NRA has found that:
Singapore continues to be exposed to TF threats posed by terrorist groups both regionally and internationally, in particular the propensity for individuals [1] in Singapore to be radicalised and influenced to carry out TF activities.
Certain sectors, notably money remittance (or payment service providers carrying out cross-border money transfer service) and banks, are more inherently vulnerable to TF threats, given the relative ease in which their services may be accessed, coupled with Singapore’s status as a financial and transport hub and proximity to countries exposed to terrorism activities.
Competent authorities in Singapore are cognisant of our TF threats and take a whole-of-government approach to combatting them. Our law enforcement agencies have robust capabilities to counter TF, as evidenced by the TF convictions in recent years. Supervisors and relevant authorities have been engaging relevant private sector entities on their TF risks, and this has improved their risk awareness and understanding, and allowed them to strengthen their measures to mitigate TF risks. Private sector entities should continue to incorporate the TF NRA findings in their risk-based approach to countering TF.
Taking into account the findings of the TF NRA 2020, Singapore has formulated a comprehensive National Strategy for Countering the Financing of Terrorism.
[1] Local residents and foreign workers.