When is approval required?
A company is required to obtain MAS’ prior approval if it intends to act as trustee for collective investment schemes (CIS) constituted as unit trusts, where the CIS are authorised under section 286 of the SFA or are restricted schemes constituted in Singapore and entered into the list of restricted schemes maintained by MAS.
What are the requirements?
An AT should oversee the CIS manager’s compliance with the Code on Collective Investment Scheme, with the best interests of unitholders in mind.
More information can be found in the Securities and Futures (Offers of Investments) (Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations 2005 .
What if an AT wants to conduct other regulated activities under the SFA or Trust Companies Act (TCA)?
If you wish to find out how to conduct other regulated activities under the SFA or the TCA, please refer to the Capital Markets Services (CMS) Licence or Trust Business Licence page.