Benchmark administrators and submitters

Benchmark Administrators and Submitters of designated benchmarks are licensed and governed under the Securities and Futures Act 2001 (SFA) and its subsidiary legislation, including the Securities and Futures (Financial Benchmarks) Regulations 2018 .

When is authorisation or designation required?

Benchmark administrators and submitters of designated benchmarks are licensed by MAS as authorised benchmark administrators (ABA), designated benchmark submitters (DBS) and authorised benchmark submitters (ABS) under the SFA.

A company will need an ABA licence if it wishes to administer a designated benchmark, unless exempted. A company will need an ABS licence if it wishes to submit information to a designated benchmark, unless exempted. The definitions for the above regulated activities can be found in Part 6AA of the SFA .

Entities may also be designated as a DBS by MAS.

What are the activities conducted by Benchmark Administrators and Submitters?

An entity administering a designated benchmark must be authorised by MAS before it can commence operations, unless exempted. An entity that provides information to the benchmark administrator in connection with a designated benchmark must also be subject to MAS’ regulations as a benchmark submitter, unless exempted.

MAS may also designate a benchmark submitter as a DBS if the benchmark submitter’s participation and information submission is important to the functioning of a designated benchmark.

The definitions for the above regulated activities can be found in Part 6AA of the SFA .

What are the exemptions from authorisation  available?

The following are exempt from the requirement to be authorised as an ABS:

  • If a company is already licensed by MAS as a
    • bank;
    • merchant bank;
    • finance company;
    • insurance company;
    • approved exchange or recognised market operator;
    • approved holding company;
    • approved clearing house or recognised clearing house;
    • holder of a capital markets services licence;
    • authorised benchmark administrator; and
    • financial adviser licensed under the Financial Advisers Act 2001.

More information on licensing exemptions for benchmark submitters can be found in Section 123ZH of the SFA .