The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is seeking comments from the private sector on the draft Guidance for Private Sector Information Sharing (attached below). The guidance is intended to set out steps and practices on information sharing that national authorities and private sector could consider taking to more effectively combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Its scope includes information sharing within financial institutions (FIs) that are part of the same financial group, as well as between FIs not belonging to the same financial group. Information sharing through the use of public-private partnerships is also covered.
Before the guidance is finalised, the FATF is consulting the private sector stakeholders on their views, particularly with regard to paragraphs 38-51, as well as any other specific proposals to the text.
Comments should reach the FATF at with the subject line “Comments of
[Name of Entity]on the draft Guidance for Private Sector Information Sharing” by Monday, 31 July 2017. All comments will be shared with FATF delegations.
For further information, please refer to this link .