About MAS
About Us
Learn about MAS' mission, values and code of conduct.
What We Do
Find out what MAS does as a central bank and integrated financial regulator, as well as our role in developing and promoting Singapore as a financial centre.
Our History
Trace the evolution of MAS’ role, recap anniversary milestones, and view the current and past leaders of the organisation.
MAS Gallery
MAS Gallery provides an immersive tour into the multiple roles MAS plays in the Singapore economy and financial sector through more than 30 multimedia exhibits.
Our Organisation
Board of Directors
MAS' Board of Directors is responsible for policy and general administration, and informs the Government of MAS' policies.
Management Team
MAS is led by Mr Chia Der Jiun, our managing director. Find out about our management team and their backgrounds.
Organisation Structure
View MAS' organisation structure and download the full chart.
MAS Advisory Panels and Committees
Find out about MAS' various advisory panels and committees, which provide us with valuable insights and advice on specific areas.
International Cooperation
MAS plays an active role in international and regional fora. Find out about our memberships and international cooperation.
Our Service Commitment
We strive to provide helpful information and respond to queries and licensing applications in a timely manner.